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Top 8 Reasons
Why You Should Become
A Permanent Makeup
Technician Right Now!
If you have been considering a career as a permanent makeup technician then the following Top 8 Reasons Why You Should Become a Permanent Makeup Technician should go a long way to highlighting some of the key benefits for you in this industry…
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- Turn your life and career around in weeks compared to other occupations in the beauty industry i.e. hair & beauty therapists, the training is very short with huge potential returns. Weeks as opposed to years training.
- You can and truly will earn between £250 and £750 per hour as a permanent makeup technician.
- Complete freedom to choose your own working hours to fit in around your hobbies, family and holidays.
- No beauty or medical qualifications needed to become a permanent make up technician, ditch your boring, low paid and time consuming job for the career of your dreams
- Be your own best advert – you will and must look amazing at all times – it will be your new job! as a technician you must have all your own make up perfectly applied you will be picking up clients everywhere you go.
- The skill is always with you, you can build on it and work from anywhere in the world employed or self employed whatever you prefer.
- Job satisfaction – you have the ability to change peoples lives, there is nothing more rewarding than when a client sheds a tear of happiness because she looks amazing and you helped her.
- The job is a challenge, you can never outgrow this job you can never be too good at permanent makeup, the better you are, the more courses you do and the more confident you become the more you can charge.
Don’t Settle for Average…
…Become a Permanent Makeup Expert
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As with any industry the more you train within your professional field, the more income you can command per treatment/service.
At Permanent Makeup Training Academy, we train you to become an expert. Ladies like to spend their money on their looks, but they would rather give it to an expert & pay for the privilege of going to someone who really know their stuff.
The table below reflects the income you can command as an expert in the permanent makeup industry.
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Expert Technician Average Treatment Charges:
Treatment | Time * | Income |
Eyebrows | 1 Hour | £300 – £600 |
Eyeliner Top | 1 Hour | £300 – £500 |
Eyeliner Bottom | 45 Minutes | £250 – £400 |
Lip Liner | 1 Hour | £300 – £500 |
Lip Blush | 90 Minutes | £500 – £700 |
Full Lip Colour | 2 Hours | £700 – £950 |
When considering who to train with, ask yourself this question:
“Are you getting into the industry, to become average, or be the expert in your local area?”
If you want to become an expert in Permanent Makeup then you need to call us now on 01444 300157. Go to our permanent makeup training package page now for full details of all our packages. We will hold your hand through the whole process from beginner to expert.
* Please note that all the above treatments will need at least 1 touch up – which we advise not to charge for as it completes the treatment. Touch ups can take up to the same amount of treatment time, but are usually completed in less time.